When I tell people what I do I often get puzzled looks or people being polite and nodding because they are too embarrassed to ask what Homeopathy is or why people would use it.
It’s okay, I don’t mind you asking.
Some people may have a skewed idea of what homeopathy is because of what they have heard or read in the media, that’s okay too. I just like to get on with my job and enjoy working with all my patients who undoubtedly have been helped by homeopathy in so many different ways.
Why I use homeopathy
I have used homeopathy since I was 17 years old and have used it for all manner of things. We are talking life altering ailments. Things such as emotional breakdowns, grief, post-natal depression, anxiety and panic attacks. Also, more common ailments such as skin rashes, anaemia, coughs and colds and the list just goes on.
Seeing how well it worked for my family and me inspired me to train as a homeopathic practitioner. It was one of the best decisions I ever made.
Starting out
I would say most of the things I help people with in clinic are all complaints that you would also go and see your GP about. Homeopathy works alongside mainstream medicine happily.
When you book a consultation, you have about an hour, you may need all that time or you may need less, it all depends on the individual.
During the consultation you take the floor and tell me in as much detail as you feel comfortable with, what exactly is bothering you and how it’s affecting you. I then ask you more detailed questions to get a really good understanding of you and the situation. My goal is to get a complete picture of what is going on and so will get as much information on all aspects of you. Your sleep, digestion, energy, your emotional state, hormones and so on. It is then my job to make sense of what is happening and why – this is often times difficult for you to do yourself. The next part of my job then is to put together a treatment plan and administer the right remedies to stimulate the body to begin healing.
Your treatment plan will be individual and completely tailored for you, which is why it’s necessary for me to be diligent with my questions.
I have a plethora of homeopathic remedies at my disposal and I also use Homeobotanicals which are wil crafted organic herbs. If I think you need any supplements or changes in your diet, then I will advise on that too as well as any other lifestyle change which I feel may help.
You can come and consult me for ailments that have just started to affect you, or longstanding complaints. It can be a physical or a mental health and emotional complaint. While I specialise in helping people with grief depression and anxiety, I help people in clinc with warts, eczema, hormonal complaints and everything in between!
Take the next step
If you would like my help with something you can BOOK HERE or to have a free introductory call to discuss how homeopathy can work for you.
Thank you for reading,
With love,
Dipti x