I hope you’ve had a wonderful start to the new year. Just a question does a new year mean a completely new you?
Well, this is definitely is not the case for me, and actually I’m not sure I would want it to be! There is a lot of noise this time of year about changing something drastically, cutting something out, detox, change, throw out, buy new, and so on – it can be quite exhausting. And normally by this point most resolutions are out of the window with lots of feelings of failure and guilt.
I’ve chosen a different way, I have very slowly come into 2019, taking time to think about what went well, which new things I would like to try and where I need to slow down. I have also been reflecting on the work I do with my clients and the message I want to deliver to you all.
For me there is a big theme of allowing ourselves to be our TRUE selves, allowing the real you to emerge.
On the surface we may believe we are able to express who we are. However when you dig a little deeper you realise that most of us operate under a very subtle, but very real, veil of expectations, which prevents our true selves from emerging.
We can be buried under other peoples’ expectations, often these expectations are there for a legitimate reason, because people love us and believe this is the best way. We end up often sleep walking into these. They can be expectations of the right way to behave in any situation, this is the way you should behave, this is the way you should dress, these are the jobs you should do, these are the foods you should eat, this is the way you should think, these are the ways in which women should behave, these are the ways in which men should behave. We are led to believe women are the nurturers and men are the providers (yes I know this has shifted to some degree but we have a long way to go). There are lots of cultural norms that we are also buried under.
So what? I hear you ask, what happens when we are buried under all these expectations? Because it’s not as if we have someone standing behind us constantly dictating our actions! Oh no, it’s much more cleverer than that. These are expectations that have been woven into our belief systems from a very early age often, that form part of who we are. We then let those voices be louder than the ones of our inner knowing, the real person inside, the real self who wants to express and announce themselves. The person we want to be and the legacy we want to leave behind. All of this buried under the expectations of others, heart breaking, I am sure you will agree.
All of these expectations keep us small, and prevent us from shining our true light, the light we are here on this earth to shine.
I have felt this so strongly at times and also see this in my clients when they start to work with me, whether it’s with homeopathy or grief coaching or life coaching. I see my clients at the starting point, where they do a fantastic job of dimming their light and then go through a transformation ending up in a very different place. Their thinking evolves, they find their courage and become the co-creators of the life they want to be living. Often making very unexpected discoveries about what they want, what their feelings are and who they are at their core. Their health, on a emotional and physical level reaches great new heights.
So how do you stop dimming your light?
Do the work!
Find a practitioner, me or somebody else you resonate with and start asking the questions. Listen to what your physical symptoms are telling you. Remember the mind body connection? Your symptoms do not exist in isolation – they are telling you something. Your body speaks, please listen. Listen to your emotional symptoms, it all means something, find the origins, whose voice is it actually?
Lets stop with this suppression of symptoms with a pill, let’s lean in and listen, and listen carefully and patiently.
Do you have patterns of destructive behaviour that you fall into again and again? This is all holding you back.
See a homeopath, a coach, a grief and loss expert, an acupuncturist, a cranial osteopath, and all the other wonderful practitioners, healers we have at our disposal.
All of this leads to a magical, satisfying life, where you are able to live your dreams, achieve the success you want, feel the love you want, heal the wounds and really LIVE and not just exist.
My hope for you in 2019 is that you will do the work and allow your true self to emerge!
Thank you for reading,
With love,
Dipti xx